Spring Ephemerals along the Potomac

As the last threat of snow diminishes but before the trees begin to cast their leafy shade, there's a window for some of Spring's most delicate and unique woodland plants to thrive. Known as spring ephemerals for their short but vibrant seasonal lifespan; some, like the iconic Virginia Bluebells, can be found growing in wide patches while others like the Pink Lady Slippers orchid can require a bit more searching. 

In the Washington DC metro area, typically late March through mid-April is the best time to find most of these ephemerals. Look for them along some of our famed trails like the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail or the C&O Canal. 


Sanguinaria canadensis

Dutchman's Breeches

Dicentra cucullaria

Squirrel Corn

Dicentra canadensis

Trout Lily

Erythronium americanum

Spring Beauty

Claytonia virginica

Cutleaf Toothwort

Cardamine concatenata

Virginia Bluebell

Mertensia virginica

Pink Lady Slipper

Cypripedium acaule


Trillium grandiflorum forma roseum

Rue Anemone

Thalictrum thalictroides

Upland Dwarf Iris

Iris verna


Podophyllum peltatum

I am an avid hiker and amateur naturalist. I hike to satisfy that persistent curiosity of what of nature’s wonders lies just beyond the next bend.